Studies including that from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) found that around 48% of divorced couples cited compatibility issues as a primary reason for their divorce (Amato & Previti, 2003).
Though dating apps have revolutionized our access to potential partners, their algorithms often place an emphasis on physical appearance, despite it accounting for only 7% of what people are looking for in a long-term partner.
Imagine an algorithm that deeply understands your profile and needs as a romantic partner, presenting truly compatible matches based on factors like love languages, communication styles, sexual compatibility, and sense of humor (Think Myers-Briggs but for relationships).
Introducing the ‘Commitment Code’.
The Commitment Code is a comprehensive compatibility algorithm designed to facilitate meaningful, long-lasting relationships. It combines multiple dimensions of compatibility, including:
Shared values
Love languages (i.e., quality time, physical touch, acts of service, words of affirmation, receiving gifts)
Conflict resolution styles
Emotional support - provision & needs
Sense of humor
Sexual compatibility
Financial management styles
Religious and cultural preferences
By evaluating the importance of each factor and preferences for specific styles, the algorithm generates a compatibility score, offering highly suitable matches that extend beyond just physical appearance and are likely to stand the test of time.
I believe that this approach could revolutionize the dating landscape by fostering deep connections and promoting successful long-term relationships.